Vlogger Review: Brooke Miccio

Every day I spend a few hours on YouTube watching many different types of videos. Most commonly I watch YouTubers who are around my age that show their everyday life through vlogs. One YouTuber I have watched regularly for a couple years now is Brooke Miccio. She is a recent graduate from the University of Georgia and now works in tech sales. About a year ago she also started a Podcast called Gals on the Go

Brooke is a lifestyle vlogger, so most of her videos are just vlogs showing her daily life. Her main content during college was “college week in my life” or “day in my life” videos. I love these kinds of videos because I can relate to them. Now most of her content consists of “work week in my life” or “day in my life” videos. As I am in my senior year it is great to see how a new graduate is living and working. She generally vlogs her whole day except for when she was in class or at work. As she films, she talks through everything she does like what she is eating, drinking, wearing, etc. Vlogs like these are very relatable to many women who are around her same age and are living similar lives. They give incite on how someone else lives, and people can get tips and advice through her vlogs. Personally, I like to see how she balances her job, social life, exercise and travel because that is something that is getting harder as I am getting older. 

As most influencers do, she will also occasionally plug products, brands, companies, other influencers, podcasts, apps, etc. Some of the things she suggests are also monetized. This is how vloggers and YouTubers are able to keep making videos regularly. Brooke has a pretty consist upload schedule and posts 1-2 times a week or sometimes more if she has a lot going on in her life. Other videos she does are clothing hauls which are also pretty often a part of her daily vlog videos. Most of the time the clothes were sent to her or were bought with her own affiliate links. This shows that she uses the companies she promotes. 

Other content she has on her channel are vlogs from events she goes to or vacations she takes. Most of the time these vlogs/trips happen because she has a partnership with the companies or brands who are sending her. Generally, they are with other influencers to promote the companies’ image. A week ago she went to a Glossier pop-up in Boston where she lives, and she vlogged the experience to show everything the pop-up had to offer and was positively promoting the company. 

Another thing that Brooke does well is having a good description in every video including many different links. This makes it so her subscribers and viewers have easy access to all social accounts, affiliate links, codes and products that she talks about in her videos and even a small bio about herself. 

Overall Brooke’s vlogs are consistent and entertaining. She has a pretty decent size loyal subscriber base and is constantly reinventing herself. I really enjoy her content and the stylistic choices she makes, and I think she will continue to succeed as a vlogger and gain more viewership as time goes on.